The GingerRollerQueen is an unstoppable force. Like a bionic combination between a Madame Tussaudsesque Carrot Top and a snow machine, she glides up hills on her inline skates, decimating all things in her way. She skates on the wrong side of the street. She doesn't care what you think, she's going to skate her heart out, because you don't change the world by not skating.
When one runs in Cherokee Park, one will often encounter The GRQ. She flies furiously up hills like her cousin, snowsuit-wearer-even-in-July Guy, who is some sort of uphill skating savant. Both of these characters are driven by some sort of mysterious, unseen force that is both awesome and powerful. Unfortunately, every time GRQ skates past, I throw up a little bit. The first time it happened, I didn't think much of it - a standard blame in on the pre-run 1/2 pound of bacon thing. The second time, I was stricken, more by my excitement at having seen GRQ again. The third time, it occurred to me that her appearance is always accompanied by gastrointestinal distress. Hopefully, the next time she appears, the two of us can have our portrait painted.
10.12 miles through the park today. 65 degrees, clear, sunny, low humidity. In other words, a perfectly glorious day for running (of for encountering magical, mythical monsters, like GRQ).
I also ran into a Yorkie with a person's voice. And not just any person's voice, Gilbert Godfried's voice. Terrifying beast. Had I not swerved to avoid it, it most definitely would have destroyed me, or at least made me vomit.
5 miles tomorrow. 5 miles Saturday. 12 miles Sunday. It's all downhill from here, until the marathon. I was a bit nervous after Monday's disaster, but felt great today.
Tech Specs: 1958 Goƫland Randonneur
7 months ago
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