Sunday, November 9, 2008

Post Marathon Week 2

After taking Monday off (scheduled for a 4-miler), I continued with the regularly scheduled week. The new, advanced program only allows for one day off per week. While this shouldn't be a big problem, I don't want to push myself into an injury just yet.

Tuesday: 6 x 400m repeats at 5k pace with 3 minutes of walking/jogging between. These riverfront repeats were sandwiched between 1 mile jogs to and from the waterfront.

Wednesday: 4 easy miles.

Thursday: 3 x 1 mile repeats at 10k pace with 3 minutes of walking/jogging between. 1 mile warm-up and cool-down.

Friday: officially sanctioned rest day.

Saturday: Tempo run. 10 minute warm-up, 15 minutes at marathon pace, 10 minute cool-down.

75-90 minute easy run scheduled for tomorrow.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I woke early today (9:45am early, that is) to witness the beginning of the NYC marathon. Using the online tracker, I was able to track all of my friend(s) progress throughout the race. Right around 2:30pm today, I was alerted of EP's finish. Congratulations to EP upon finishing the race. I really can't think of a better place to finish a marathon. I'm shooting for the 2009 NYC marathon myself. I watched Paula Radcliffe fly to her second straight victory this morning and was rather inspired by her insane performance. Upon watching her enter and finish in Central Park, I vowed to run the race myself next year.

Yesterday's was a tempo run that consisted of 10 minutes of jogging, followed by 10 minutes at marathon pace, then 10 more minutes of jogging. Tempo runs are fun. I jogged over to Louisville's Central Park, then turned it up a notch as I toured St. James Court, the park, and the surrounding streets. Old Louisville is pretty charming this time of year, aside from the crime.

Today's run was an easy run. Still, after having just watched Ms. Radcliffe's performance, I felt more like running. I was told to run for 60-75 minutes. I covered 8. 3 miles in exactly an hour, a pace that was a bit quicker than "easy" for me. My goal, for my next marathon, is to maintain that pace throughout. It may be a pipedream, but all of this speedwork should help.